Mf-texitle studio
Michela Finaurini c'est moi
ach fabric tells a story, composed of emotional ties, traditions, reflections, knowledge, technique, travel, the building of human relationships, the ultimate realization, which makes the fabric unique: A SOUL OVER OUR SKIN ! It is not only worn, but "INHABITED" with its own TIME where everyone immerses themselves and ideally identifies, confronting the inner desire for change.

My inspirations always originate from the “detail” that I bring out in a kind of walk together with imagination. Fundamental prerequisites are ” THE EYES THAT LOOK” endowed with the ability to transform what is seen and perceived into a form, an experience, an intuition of the moment: the result is a selection of materials, surfaces and colors with precise depths and widths where all together they receive a new dimension: the final work THE FABRIC.
My passion for art has been the driving force behind any innovative form of expression. A researcher by passion since childhood, I realized that I could express myself on paper, I would collect in many boxes, jars, notebooks, materials of all kinds by dividing them whether they came from the sea, the earth, food, plants, objects, and more and more were starting grounds for drawing what I imagined. I also liked to smell them and see all their shading sequences.
And it is precisely the TOUCH that is the real playmate. Each component of the fabric comes about as a recomposition of fragments recovered and reworked in one’s own memory. A kind of Gramatica of surfaces.